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The carbon footprint is key to understanding the environmental impact of your organization...

Many companies have probably heard and discussed at length about Scope 1, 2 and

Tourism on the 2030 agenda

The year 2015 was a decisive year for global development, with the adoption of the ...

Hotels and other types of accommodation emit 264 million metric tons of CO2...

The Global Tourism Plastics Initiative brings together the tourism sector around the issue of plastics.

Traveling fills our lives with stories and experiences and helps us understand other realities around...

Fossil fuel-powered modes of transport are among the main contributors to emissions that contribute to climate...


Buenos Aires, Argentina
[email protected]
(2396) 585964 / (011) 54581358

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Buenos Aires, Argentina
[email protected]
(2396) 585964 / (011) 54581358

Designed and developed by Fase Cuatro S.A.S