How to Protect the Environment While Traveling

Travel fills our lives with stories and experiences and helps us understand different realities around the world. But what if our passion for travel does more harm than good to the land we love?

It is true that mass tourism, which has no qualms about taking one flight after another to attend overcrowded resorts, does quite a bit of harm to the climate and nature. But sustainable tourism is quite the opposite, as it offers a way to see the world while making every effort to keep our footprint as small as possible.

What is sustainable tourism like?

It must be clear that sustainable tourism does not mean giving up anything; on the contrary, it is about making conscious decisions for the environment and society, which can only enrich us morally.

Those who choose sustainable tourism want to visit beautiful places and ensure they remain beautiful. With this type of travel, you make a conscious decision to use means of transportation, food, etc., that harm the environment as little as possible.

Sustainable tourism offers advantages

Sustainable tourism not only conserves resources directly but can also have positive effects on the country you are visiting because demand determines supply.

If more and more travelers value organic and local food, it is also worth producing it. If they want eco-friendly hotels, they will be built, and if they wish to visit protected natural areas, the laws will change.

However, if people keep asking for burgers and pizzas, there may suddenly be a branch of any fast food chain in the middle of the jungle.

Ecotourism: Close to nature or marketing trick?

A growing trend and at the same time a part of sustainable tourism is ecotourism, where the same principles are basically applied but focused on destinations and activities in nature.

What is often presented as ecotourism is not really ecotourism and can have counterproductive effects on natural areas. For example, a jeep tour speeding through the savannah damages the flora and disturbs the wildlife. That cannot be called ecotourism.

On the other hand, a respectful visit to a natural area that generates income for the community can justify efforts to protect it.

Why sustainable tourism does not necessarily have to be more expensive?

The common stereotype is that only rich people can afford an eco-friendly lifestyle, but that is not the case.

Unfortunately, flying is usually cheaper than taking a train, but if you extend the concept of sustainable tourism to the entire trip, it can be cheaper.

The most effective tips for green vacations

It is no longer a secret that flying is one of the most polluting ways to travel. It accounts for about 2.5% of total human-generated CO2 emissions.

Unfortunately, there is still no clean fuel that can fly anywhere in the world. It is always better to use trains and even buses. If there is no other way to reach your destination than by plane, you can offset your CO2 emissions.

With the Owl Track calculator, you can calculate the impact of your flight and use it to offset your emissions.

Slow tourism, the most sustainable way to travel

The name says it all. Instead of flying to India for a few days, take the time to discover a closer country by train or bike.

Europe is very well connected, and it takes more than a lifetime to experience all the facets of the continent’s landscape and cultural diversity. Reserve intercontinental travel for very special occasions when you are driven by a deep interest. You can travel to Australia if you wish, but make sure it is for a very good reason and for a period longer than 15 days.



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Buenos Aires, Argentina
[email protected]
(2396) 585964 / (011) 54581358

Designed and developed by Fase Cuatro S.A.S