Calculate the Ecological Footprint of Your Travels

Fossil fuel-powered means of transport are among the main contributors to emissions that drive climate change. Therefore, if you take a trip, calculate how much you will contribute to warming and choose the best alternative to reduce your impact.

Climate impact of each means of transport:

  • Airplane: Its footprint is the highest, especially for private jets and short-distance flights. A domestic flight emits 130-135 kg of CO2 per km per passenger, plus 120 g of other greenhouse gases at high altitudes. On long distances, the footprint per passenger and km is reduced, though it remains significant: 102 g of CO2 and 90 g of other gases.
  • Car: Emits less CO2 than an airplane: 43 g per km per person, if all four seats are occupied.
  • Bus: 22-30 g of CO2 per km per passenger, according to the UK Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy. However, it depends greatly on how many seats are occupied and the type of engine.
  • Boat: A ferry emits 18 g of CO2 per km per passenger, less than a bus. A ferry is unlikely to cover the distance of a transoceanic flight, but it is an alternative for short or medium distances. Traveling by cruise ship, however, is similar to flying: around 250 g of CO2 per km per berth (including the 135 g of CO2 plus other contaminating gases from the airplane).
  • Train: Although emissions per person also depend on the number of occupants, the train is far better than the airplane: on average, only 6 g of CO2 per km per passenger on a Eurostar or AVE train compared to 130 g for a domestic flight. On a local train, it’s 40 g.

If you fly, reduce your impact:

Sometimes, there is no other option but to choose the airplane, even though it is generally the worst means in relation to climate change. But you can reduce your impact and compensate it with other positive measures.

  • Travel with little luggage: Flying with more weight than necessary generates more CO2 emissions due to higher fuel consumption. Hence, airlines that operate with fuller tanks than needed for the trip are more polluting. This often happens when they refuel at airports where fuel is cheaper.
  • Look for direct flights: According to a NASA report, around 25% of the CO2 emitted by airplanes comes from landing and takeoff.
  • Travel in economy class: For long-distance flights, business class triples the CO2 and first class quadruples it. It’s a matter of logic: the seats are larger, so fewer people travel with the same amount of fuel.
  • Follow in-flight recommendations: Instructions on when to lower and raise the window blinds can help reduce emissions. When the destination is warm, flight attendants usually ask to lower the window blinds. This helps to cool the plane, using less fuel.
  • Choose your airline carefully: Look for an airline that uses a portion of biofuels (if possible) and, above all, has CO2 emissions offsetting plans.
  • Offset your flight: For example, invest money in replanting trees that absorb the CO2 you have emitted with your flight, invest in renewable energy, or in forest conservation programs.



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(2396) 585964 / (011) 54581358

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Buenos Aires, Argentina
[email protected]
(2396) 585964 / (011) 54581358

Designed and developed by Fase Cuatro S.A.S